You must have a positive outlook toward life.

Eat more natural foods than processed or cooked food.

Eat fried and roasted food in a limit.

Do some exercises daily.

Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol to stay healthy.

Have faith in God and should do prayer daily.

Take complete rest and stay healthy.

Stay happy and laugh more often.

Get a hobby for yourself.

Participate in some community work.

Groom yourself nicely.

Wear comfortable footwear.

Wear Sunglasses while walking in daylight.

Go for a walk Morning or Evening.

Spend time with your family.

Drink 2 liters of water on average in a day.

Eat a balanced diet.

Get a Massage once a week or a month.

Cover your face in sunlight.

Keep your surroundings clean.

Make goals for every day.

Control over sense organs.

Practice 3-10 mins of solitude (Voluntary Solitary confinement) (Ekant).

Commanding over stress.

Stay socially connected.

Control over anger.

Conquer fears.

Eat Sprouts Daily.

Take healthy breaks from sitting throughout the day.

Spend time outdoors and in nature.

Practice good hygiene healthy habits like hand washing.

Keep your home and work environment clean and organized.

Limit screen time and take breaks from electronic devices.

Spend time with loved ones and cultivate healthy relationships.

Bask in the sunlight.

Use positive self-talk and healthy affirmations.