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Palpation of ulnar nerve behind medial epicondyle of humerus makes some persons smile, that is why the bone is called humerus. 😃


Carpal bones “She Looks Too Pretty Try To Catch Her”

Lateral To medial, proximal row

– Scaphoid

– Lunate

– Pisiform

Distal row

– Trapezium

– Trapezoid

– Capitate

– Hamate


Which side has common flexor origin

FM (as in FM Radio)

Flexor medial, so common flexor origin is on the medial side.

Bicipital groove of humerus “Lady between 2 majors”

Lateral lip-pectoralis major

Medial lip-teres major

Floor-latissimus dorsi

Who ever thought of the word “Mammogram?”. Every time I hear it, I think I’m supposed to put my breast in an envelope and send it to someone

– Jan Kingz


Branches of any artery/nerve M-CAT.



A- Articular

T- Terminal

Tailors know about the asymmetry of the arm and stich the right sleeve a little looser than left.

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