Hello friends if you have a passion for holistic healing and natural remedies. Then pursuing a career in naturopathy could be the perfect fit for you.
Naturopathy is a branch of alternative medicine that focuses on using natural therapies to promote wellness and prevent diseases.
In India, there are several reputed institutions that offer naturopathy courses to aspiring students.
In this blog post, i will provide you with a list of popular naturopathy courses in India and the minimum qualifications required to enroll in these courses.
List of Naturopathy Courses in India
- B.N.Y.S. – Bachelor of Naturopathy and Yogic Sciences
- Duration
- 5 1/2 Years [ 4 1/2 Years Regular Study + 1 Year Internship ]
- Qualification Required
- 12th with Physics, Chemistry & Biology + Minimum 50% in 12th
- Duration
- M.D. – Naturopathy – Doctor of Medicine – Naturopathy
- Duration
- 3 Years [ Exemption of 1 year can be given for those who have clinical experience of 15 years or 10 years of teaching experience. In some institutes.]
- Qualification Required
- Candidate must have passed the B.N.Y.S. final year exams from a government recognized university. And have completed the 1 year compulsory rotating internship and have obtained his/her permanent registration number from AYUSH board.
- ND – Four and Four n Half year program from Osmania University, Hyderabad
- Duration
- M.D. – Yoga – Doctor of Medicine – Yoga
- Duration
- 3 Years [ Exemption of 1 year can be given for those who have clinical experience of 15 years or 10 years of teaching experience. In some institutes.]
- Qualification Required
- Candidate must have passed the B.N.Y.S. final year exams from a government recognized university. And have completed the 1 year compulsory rotating internship and have obtained his/her permanent registration number from AYUSH board.
- ND – Four and Four n Half year program from Osmania University, Hyderabad
- Duration
- M.D. – Nutrition & Dietetics – Doctor of Medicine – Diet and Nutrition in Yoga & Naturopathy
- Duration
- 3 Years [ Exemption of 1 year can be given for those who have clinical experience of 15 years or 10 years of teaching experience. In some institutes.]
- Qualification Requir
- Candidate must have passed the B.N.Y.S. final year exams from a government recognized university. And have completed the 1 year compulsory rotating internship and have obtained his/her permanent registration number from AYUSH board.
- ND – Four and Four n Half year program from Osmania University, Hyderabad
- Duration
- Ph.D. – Naturopathy and Yoga
- Duration
- Qualification Required
- B.Acupuncture – Bachelor of Acupuncture
- Duration
- 3 Years
- Qualification Required
- 12th Pass with minimum 50% and above from Government recognized School
- Duration
- D.N.Y.S. – Diploma in Naturopathy and Yogic Sciences
- Duration
- 1 – 3 1/2 year diploma level course [Duration varies in Different Institutes]
- Qualification Required
- 12th Pass with minimum 50% and above from Government recognized School
- Duration
- D.P.A. – Diploma in Physiotherapy and Acupressure
- Duration
- 2 Years
- Qualification Required
- 12th Pass with minimum 50% and above from Government recognized School
- Duration
- D.Y.N. – Diploma in Yoga and Naturopathy
- Duration
- 2 Years
- Qualification Required
- 12th Pass with minimum 50% and above from Government recognized School
- Duration
- P.G.D.Y.Ed. – Post Graduate Diploma in Yoga Education
- Duration
- 1 Year
- Qualification Required
- Graduation
- Duration
- P.G.D.N.Y.S. – Post Graduate Diploma in Naturopathy and Yogic Sciences
- Duration
- 1 Year
- Qualification Required
- B.N.Y.S.
- Duration
- P.D.H.T. – Post Diploma in Holistic Therapy
- Duration
- 1 Year
- Qualification Required
- Graduation
- Duration
- P.D.H.T. – Post Diploma in Hypnotherapy
- Duration
- 1 Year
- Qualificatio
- Graduation
- Duration
- A.D.Y.N.S. – Advance Diploma in Yoga and Naturopathic Science
- Duration
- 1 Year
- Qualification Required
- Graduation
- Duration
- A.D.A. – Advance Diploma in Acupuncture
- Duration
- 1 Year
- Qualification Required
- Graduation in Acupuncture
- Duration
- A.D.A. – Advance Diploma in Acupressure
- Duration
- 1 Year
- Qualification Required
- Graduation in Acupressure
- Duration
- A.D.A.T. – Advance Diploma in Acupuncture Therapy
- Duration
- 1 Year
- Qualification Required
- Graduation in Acupuncture
- Duration
- A.C.A. – Advance Certification in Acupuncture
- Duration
- 1 Year
- Qualification Required
- Graduation in Acupuncture
- Duration
- A.D.A.H.T. – Advance Diploma in Acupuncture & Healing Techniques
- Duration
- 1 Year
- Qualification Required
- Graduation in Acupuncture
- Duration
- A.D.A.V. – Advance Diploma in Acupuncture and Varma
- Duration
- 1 Year
- Qualification Required
- Graduation
- Duration
- A.D.A.A. – Advance Diploma in Acupuncture and Acupressure
- Duration
- 1 Year
- Qualification Required
- Graduation
- Duration
- A.D.O.T. – Advance Diploma in Ozone Therapy
- Duration
- 1 Year
- Qualification Required
- Graduation
- Duration
- D.Y.M. – Diploma in Yoga and Massage
- Duration
- 1 Years
- Qualification Required
- 12th Pass with minimum 50% and above from Government recognized School
- Duration
- D.V.Y. – Diploma in Varma and Yoga
- Duration
- 1 Years
- Qualification Required
- 12th Pass with minimum 50% and above from Government recognized School
- Duration
- D.A. – Diploma in Acupuncture
- Duration
- 1 Year
- Qualification Required
- 12th Pass with minimum 50% and above from Government recognized School
- Duration
- D.T.A. – Diploma in Tibb Acupuncture
- Duration
- 1 Year
- Qualification Required
- 12th Pass with minimum 50% and above from Government recognized School
- Duration
- D.H. – Diploma in Homeopuncture
- Duration
- 1 Year
- Qualification Required
- 12th Pass with minimum 50% and above from Government recognized School
- Duration
- D.A.Y. – Diploma in Acupuncture and Yoga
- Duration
- 1 Year
- Qualification Required
- 12th Pass with minimum 50% and above from Government recognized School
- Duration
- D.A.P. – Diploma in Acupuncture and Physiotherapy
- Duration
- 1 Year
- Qualification Required
- 12th Pass with minimum 50% and above from Government recognized School
- Duration
- D.A.T. – Diploma in Acupuncture Therapy
- Duration
- 1 Year
- Qualification Required
- 12th Pass with minimum 50% and above from Government recognized School
- Duration
- D.A.N. – Diploma in Acupuncture and Naturopathy
- Duration
- 1 Year
- Qualification Required
- 12th Pass with minimum 50% and above from Government recognized School
- Duration
- D.A.T.P.D. – Diploma in Acupuncture and Traditional Pulse Diagnosis
- Duration
- 1 Year
- Qualification Required
- 12th Pass with minimum 50% and above from Government recognized School
- Duration
- D.T.A.S.A. – Diploma in Traditional Acupuncture and Sujok Acupuncture
- Duration
- 1 Year
- Qualification Required
- 12th Pass with minimum 50% and above from Government recognized School
- Duration
- D.A.Psy. – Diploma in Acupuncture and Psychology
- Duration
- 1 Year
- Qualification Required
- 12th Pass with minimum 50% and above from Government recognized School
- Duration
- D.A.V. – Diploma in Acupuncture and Varma
- Duration
- 1 Year
- Qualification Required
- 12th Pass with minimum 50% and above from Government recognized School
- Duration
- D.Y.Ed. – Diploma in Yoga Education
- Duration
- 1 Year
- Qualification Required
- 12th Pass with minimum 50% and above from Government recognized School
- Duration
- D.Y.T.Ed. – Diploma in Yoga Teacher Education
- Duration
- 1 Year
- Qualification Required
- 12th Pass with minimum 50% and above from Government recognized School
- Duration
- N.D. – Diploma in Naturopathy
- Duration
- 1 Year
- Qualification Required
- 12th Pass with minimum 50% and above from Government recognized School
- Duration
- D.Y. – Diploma in Yoga
- Duration
- 1 Year
- Qualification Required
- 12th Pass with minimum 50% and above from Government recognized School
- Duration
- D.Y.N.C. – Diploma in Yoga and Nature Cure
- Duration
- 1 Year
- Qualification Required
- 12th Pass with minimum 50% and above from Government recognized School
- Duration
- D.B.F.N. – Diploma in Body Building (Health), Fitness, and Nutrition
- Duration
- 1 Year
- Qualification Required
- 12th Pass with minimum 50% and above from Government recognized School
- Duration
- D.N.D. – Diploma in Nutrition and Dietetics
- Duration
- 1 Year
- Qualification Required
- 12th Pass with minimum 50% and above from Government recognized School
- Duration
- D.N.H.R. – Diploma in Nutrition and Herbal Remedies
- Duration
- 1 Year
- Qualification Required
- 12th Pass with minimum 50% and above from Government recognized School
- Duration
- D.I.A.T. – Diploma in Integrative Alternate Therapy
- Duration
- 1 Year
- Qualification Required
- 12th Pass with minimum 50% and above from Government recognized School
- Duration
- D.H. – Diploma in Hypnotherapy
- Duration
- 1 Year
- Qualification Required
- 12th Pass with minimum 50% and above from Government recognized School
- Duration
- D.C.T. – Diploma in Cupping Therapy
- Duration
- 1 Year
- Qualification Required
- 12th Pass with minimum 50% and above from Government recognized School
- Duration
- D.R.A.T. – Diploma in Reflexology and Acu Touch
- Duration
- 1 Year
- Qualification Required
- 12th Pass with minimum 50% and above from Government recognized School
- Duration
- C.N.Y.S. – Certificate in Naturopathy and Yoga
- Duration
- 2 Years
- Qualification Required
- 12th Pass with minimum 50% and above from Government recognized School
- Duration
- C.A.M.- Certificate in Acupuncture Management
- Duration
- 1 Year or 6 Months
- Qualification Required
- 12th Pass with minimum 50% and above from Government recognized School
- Duration
- B.C.A.E. – Basic Certification in Acupuncture Education
- Duration
- 1 Year
- Qualification Required
- 12th Pass with minimum 50% and above from Government recognized School
- Duration
- D.V.M.T. – Diploma in Varmaniam Massage Therapy
- Duration
- 1 Year
- Qualification Required
- 12th Pass with minimum 50% and above from Government recognized School
- Duration
- D.D.S.M. – Diploma in Drug Store Management
- Duration
- 6 Months
- Qualification Required
- 12th Pass with minimum 50% and above from Government recognized School
- Duration
- D.H.D.M. – Diploma in Herbal Drug Manufacturing
- Duration
- 6 Months
- Qualification Required
- 12th Pass with minimum 50% and above from Government recognized School
- Duration
- C.P.Y. – Certificate in Practical Yoga
- Duration
- 6 Months
- Qualification Required
- 12th Pass with minimum 50% and above from Government recognized School
- Duration
- C.N.C. – Certificate in Nature Cure
- Duration
- 6 Months
- Qualification Required
- 12th Pass with minimum 50% and above from Government recognized School
- Duration
- C.Y.S. – Certificate in Yogic Science
- Duration
- 6 Months
- Qualification Required
- 12th Pass with minimum 50% and above from Government recognized School
- Duration
- C.P.H.Y. – Certificate in Pranic Healing and Yoga
- Duration
- 6 Months
- Qualification Required
- 12th Pass with minimum 50% and above from Government recognized School
- Duration
- C.W.T.D. – Certificate in Water Therapy and Diet
- Duration
- 6 Months
- Qualification Required
- 12th Pass with minimum 50% and above from Government recognized School
- Duration
- C.R.T.N.S. – Certificate in Reiki Therapy and Nature Science
- Duration
- 6 Months
- Qualification Required
- 12th Pass with minimum 50% and above from Government recognized School
- Duration
- Certificate in Arthritic Care and Natural Diet
- Duration
- 6 Months
- Qualification Required
- 12th Pass with minimum 50% and above from Government recognized School
- Duration
- C.P.D.N.S. – Certificate in Pulse Diagnosis in Natural Science
- Duration
- 6 Months
- Qualification Required
- 12th Pass with minimum 50% and above from Government recognized School
- Duration
- C.C.T.N.C. – Certificate in Color Therapy and Nature Cure
- Duration
- 6 Months
- Qualification Required
- 12th Pass with minimum 50% and above from Government recognized School
- Duration
- C.G.T.Y. – Certificate in Gem Therapy and Yoga
- Duration
- 6 Months
- Qualification Required
- 12th Pass with minimum 50% and above from Government recognized School
- Duration
- C.C.N.S. – Certificate in Chakras and Natural Science
- Duration
- 6 Months
- Qualification Required
- 12th Pass with minimum 50% and above from Government recognized School
- Duration
- C.H.Y. – Certificate in Hypnotherapy and Yoga
- Duration
- 6 Months
- Qualification Required
- 12th Pass with minimum 50% and above from Government recognized School
- Duration
- C.H.N.Y. – Certificate in Herbal Nutrition Basics and Yoga
- Duration
- 6 Months
- Qualification Required
- 12th Pass with minimum 50% and above from Government recognized School
- Duration
- C.N.V.M. – Certificate in Natural Vitamins and Minerals
- Duration
- 6 Months
- Qualification Required
- 12th Pass with minimum 50% and above from Government recognized School
- Duration
- C.M.N.N.D. – Certificate in Metabolism and Nutrition by Natural Diet
- Duration
- 6 Months
- Qualification Required
- 12th Pass with minimum 50% and above from Government recognized School
- Duration
- C.E.T.Y. – Certificate in Energy Therapy and Yoga
- Duration
- 6 Months
- Qualification Required
- 12th Pass with minimum 50% and above from Government recognized School
- Duration
- C.H.N.D. – Certificate in Herbs and Natural Diet
- Duration
- 6 Months
- Qualification Required
- 12th Pass with minimum 50% and above from Government recognized School
- Duration
- C.S.M.N. – Certificate in Spinal Manipulation by Naturopathy
- Duration
- 6 Months
- Qualification Required
- 12th Pass with minimum 50% and above from Government recognized School
- Duration
- C.C.H.Y. – Certificate in Child Health by Yoga
- Duration
- 6 Months
- Qualification Required
- 12th Pass with minimum 50% and above from Government recognized School
- Duration
- C.B.T.Y. – Certificate in Breathing Techniques by Yoga
- Duration
- 6 Months
- Qualification Required
- 12th Pass with minimum 50% and above from Government recognized School
- Duration
- C.M.M.P.D.Y. – Certificate in Mind Memory Personality Development by Yoga
- Duration
- 6 Months
- Qualification Required
- 12th Pass with minimum 50% and above from Government recognized School
- Duration
- C.S.H.H.L.N.D. – Certificate in Science of Happy and Healthy Living by Natural Diet
- Duration
- 6 Months
- Qualification Required
- 12th Pass with minimum 50% and above from Government recognized School
- Duration
- C.P.T.Y. – Certificate in Pyramid Therapy and Yoga
- Duration
- 6 Months
- Qualification Required
- 12th Pass with minimum 50% and above from Government recognized School
- Duration
- C.V.N.S. – Certificate in Vastu Shastra and Nature Science
- Duration
- 6 Months
- Qualification Required
- 12th Pass with minimum 50% and above from Government recognized School
- Duration
- C.F.N. – Certificate in Fasting and Naturopathy
- Duration
- 6 Months
- Qualification Required
- 12th Pass with minimum 50% and above from Government recognized School
- Duration
- C.H.Y. – Certificate in Hydrotherapy and Yoga
- Duration
- 6 Months
- Qualification Required
- 12th Pass with minimum 50% and above from Government recognized School
- Duration
- C.P.H.N.S. – Certificate of Pillars of Health and Natural Science
- Duration
- 6 Months
- Qualification Required
- 12th Pass with minimum 50% and above from Government recognized School
- Duration
- C.T.Y. – Certificate in Therapeutic Yoga
- Duration
- 6 Months
- Qualification Required
- 12th Pass with minimum 50% and above from Government recognized School
- Duration
- C.N.F. – Certificate in Naturopathy Food
- Duration
- 6 Months
- Qualification Required
- 12th Pass with minimum 50% and above from Government recognized School
- Duration
- C.Y.Ed. – Certificate in Yoga Education
- Duration
- 6 Months
- Required Qualification
- 10th or 12th Pass with minimum 50% and above from Government recognized School
- Duration
- A.C.C.A. – Advance Certification in Classical Acupuncture
- Duration
- 6 Months
- Qualification Required
- Graduation in Acupuncture
- Duration
- C.A. – Certificate in Acupuncture
- Duration
- 6 Months
- Qualification Required
- 12th Pass with minimum 50% and above from Government recognized School
- Duration
- C.A.F. – Certificate in Acupuncture First – Aid
- Duration
- 6 Months
- Qualification Required
- 12th Pass with minimum 50% and above from Government recognized School
- Duration
- C.S.A. – Certificate in Sujok Acupuncture
- Duration
- 6 Months
- Qualification Required
- 12th Pass with minimum 50% and above from Government recognized School
- Duration
- C.A.C.A. – Certificate in Aroma Therapy and Cosmetic Acupuncture
- Duration
- 6 Months
- Qualification Required
- 12th Pass with minimum 50% and above from Government recognized School
- Duration
- P.G.D.N.Y.S. – Post Graduate Diploma in Naturopathy and Yogic Sciences
- Duration
- 1 Year
- Qualification Required
- Graduation
- Duration
- C.E.N.Y. – Certificate Elementary Naturopathy and Yoga
- Duration
- 6 Months
- Qualification Required
- 10th or 12th Pass with minimum 50% and above from Government recognized School
- Duration
- C.N.Y.T. – Certificate in Naturopathy and Yoga Technique
- Duration
- 1 Year
- Qualification Required
- 12th Pass with minimum 50% and above from Government recognized School
- Duration
- C.M.T.A. – Certificate in Magneto Therapy and Acupressure
- Duration
- 6 Months
- Qualification Required
- 12th Pass with minimum 50% and above from Government recognized School
- Duration
- C.R.A. – Certificate in Reflexology and Acupressure
- Duration
- 6 Months
- Qualification Required
- 12th Pass with minimum 50% and above from Government recognized School
- Duration
- C.S.M.A. – Certificate in Shiatsu Massage and Aroma Therapy
- Duration
- 6 Months
- Qualification Required
- 12th Pass with minimum 50% and above from Government recognized School
- Duration
- C.I.A. – Certificate in Iridology and Acupressure
- Duration
- 6 Months
- Qualification Required
- 12th Pass with minimum 50% and above from Government recognized School
- Duration
- C.F.A. – Certificate in Fengshui and Acupuncture
- Duration
- 6 Months
- Qualification Required
- 12th Pass with minimum 50% and above from Government recognized School
- Duration
- C.S.A. – Certificate in Scalp Acupuncture
- Duration
- 6 Months
- Qualification Required
- 12th Pass with minimum 50% and above from Government recognized School
- Duration
- C.S.M.A. – Certificate in Stress Management by Acupuncture
- Duration
- 6 Months
- Qualification Required
- 12th Pass with minimum 50% and above from Government recognized School
- Duration
- C.D.A.A. – Certificate in DE-Addiction by Acupuncture
- Duration
- 6 Months
- Qualification Required
- 12th Pass with minimum 50% and above from Government recognized School
- Duration
- C.H.A. – Certificate in Holography and Acupuncture
- Duration
- 6 Months
- Qualification Required
- 12th Pass with minimum 50% and above from Government recognized School
- Duration
- C.C.P.L.R. – Certificate Course in Past Life Regression
- Duration
- 6 Months
- Qualificatio
- 12th Pass with minimum 50% and above from Government recognized School
- Duration
For Colleges Details Refer to my Naturopathy College Blog, will get full list of all naturopathy and yoga colleges and can select the college from there.
BNYS Naturopathy Colleges in India latest list 2023
Naturopathy courses in India offer a unique opportunity to acquire knowledge and skills in natural healing methods. Whether you choose to pursue a degree, diploma, or certificate course, you will gain a deep understanding of naturopathic principles and therapies. Remember to check the eligibility criteria of the institution you wish to apply to and prepare yourself for a fulfilling career in the field of naturopathy.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this blog post is for informational purposes only. It is always recommended to verify the eligibility criteria and admission process with the respective institutions.
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