Tag: Alternative system of medicine

  • Naturopathy, Not An Alternative But A Primary System Of Medicine

    Naturopathy, Not An Alternative But A Primary System Of Medicine

    Naturopathy, or naturopathic medicine, is a system of medicine based on the healing power of nature. It finds the cause of disease by understanding the body, mind, and spirit of the person. It has great health promotive, disease preventive and curative as well as restorative potential. In this blog we will learn how naturopathy is not an alternative but a primary system of medicine. Let’s get started.

    glass bottles with yellow and orange liquid Naturopathy, Not An Alternative But A Primary System Of Medicine
    Photo by MART PRODUCTION on Pexels.com

    How can a first defence be an alternative?

    Naturopathy and yoga are already existing in our body and life naturally. It comes with following the laws of nature. Everyone is practising naturopathy knowingly or unknowingly without it healthy happy life is impossible.

    Naturopathy and yoga is a system of medicine that teaches us to live in harmony with nature focusing on all physical, emotional, mental, spiritual planes of being , which is very simple yet easy to practise in our daily life.

    When a person gets sick with a simple fever. The first thing he will do is rest , sleep and avoid food. That’s what a body wants. That’s all naturopathy says give little time trust the process – Body heals itself.

    Naturopathy reminds us to live with rules of nature . Our body is itself a nature made up of ether ,air, fire, water and earth . and yess naturopathic system of medicine uses these elements to treat and prevent different ailments.

    purple petaled flowers in mortar and pestle Naturopathy, Not An Alternative But A Primary System Of Medicine
    Photo by AS Photography on Pexels.com

    How pure and simple any system can be

    Naturopathy along with yoga walks hand in hand to make magic in one’s life. Yoga is not only practising asanas, pranayamas and sadhana, it’s beyond it .

    If you give 30-40 mins of a day to yourself in a mat just deep breathings with self awareness and self realisation works wonderful. Simple movements, mindful walking ,gardening, sitting in the sun etc. will help you to cope up with different challenges of day to day life.

    Yoga will make u fit physically, mentally and emotionally as well by working on all the five koshas i.e. Annamaya, Pranamaya, Manomaya, Vigyanmaya and Anandmaya kosha.

    With prevention of diseases till promotion of health . So how it can be an alternative, it should be primary always and forever.

    The Naturopathy system believes in treating the root cause of the problem, working by an individualistic approach . With the help of different supportive modalities like hydrotherapy, manipulative therapy, diet therapy, heliotherapy, fasting therapy etc. this system heals a person in a holistic manner.

    One of the best pathy which guides not only humans but also animals so that we are away from harmful chemicals for life long.

    Arogya Rakshak Panchatantra

    Arogya rakshak panchatantra given by a famous naturopath – B venkat rao, are one of golden gem rules to be healthy, wealthy and happy always-

    1. Eat twice a day
    2. Drink 8-10 glasses of water daily
    3. Exercise daily for one hour
    4. Fasting once a week
    5. Prayer twice a day

    Also I would like to add – have good 8-9 hrs of peaceful sleep.
    These all habits will be very helpful to enhance vitality of any age group irrespective of diseased or disease free.

    Final Thoughts

    As per WHO definition of health says – health is a state of complete physical ,mental and social well being and not just the absence of disease or infirmity. Hence Naturopathy and yoga justify this definition very well .

    In Fact if we follow the principles of naturopathy and yoga religiously in our day to day life there will be no need for any other medical system.
    So according to me it is very correct to name Naturopathy as a primary system of health care and not an alternative system.

    What you consider “Naturopathy”? as Primary System of Health Care or Alternative System of Health Care. Give your answer in the comment box.

    Dr. Fiza Fatima
    RMO at NIMBA Nature Cure Village, Ahemdabad Gujrat

    Near Mccain Foods Mehsana Ahemdabad Highway


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