Nature Cure, is a holistic health system focusing on the body’s ability to heal itself through natural means. This approach emphasizes using natural elements like fresh air, water, sunlight, and nutritious foods to restore health and prevent disease. So, what is Nature Cure, and why has it become popular for those seeking a balanced, drug-free lifestyle?

How nature cure started?
Its all started about 180 years ago by one of the Greatest Naturopath Vincent Priessnitz -The founder of Nature Cure, who lived in a small village named Grafenberg in the Silelsian Mountains.
At that time insted of giving medicinal drugs and formulas he started nature cure therapy for those who are suffering from disease, aches and pain.
Priessnitz Nature Cure Therapies
His nature cure therapy consist of doing a lot of physical exercises, breathing fresh air, cool and warm water treatments, basking in sun, going on trips to see country, eating fresh vegetables, fresh milk (especially from the cows which fed on fresh mountain grass)
With these nature cure therapies lots of patients got cured and they were so surprised! that with this little efforts and so simple therapies they cured their diseases and felt so energetic and healthy.
As a naturopathy myself i feel proud that many patients around world travelled to his sanitarium (naturopathy hospital) and got cured. His patients includes princes, doctors, very rich and influential business persons.
Progression of Nature Cure
After this, the nature cure therapy (drugless treatment) gained popularity across the globe. And this attracted lost people to become his students.
His most popular students list
- Louis Kunhe
- Rikli
- Sebastian Kniepp
- Von Peckzely
- Heinrich Lahmann
- Dr. Kellog
- Quimby
- Eddy
- Dr. Still
- Dr. Palmer
Pictures are taken from wikipedia
All students have learned so much from him and they also learned several things from the nature itself.
His students have discovered many different nature cure therapies with their learning abilities, experience, common-sense, reasoning and questioning.
Priessnitz students discoveries
Some of his students discovered therapies and procedures are- advance water cure (hydrotherapy), natural scientific dietetics (nutrition and dietetics), manipulative treatment (massage therapy), earth cure (mud therapy), air cure (oxygen and ozone therapy), light cure (heliotherapy), magnetic healing (magneto therapy), mental therapeutics (psychology), Diagnosis of eye (Iris Diagnosis), water massage (hydro massage), Osteopathy (chiropractic) etc.
Note: I have mentioned modern terms in brackets.
Nature cure is a natural healing system which includes treatment with nature cure therapies. This system treats body as a whole unit rather than treating parts alone.
This nature cure healing system later became naturopathy by Dr. Jhon scheel in 1895.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the meaning of nature cure?
Nature Cure is a holistic healing drugless system which use natural therapies for the treatment.
What is the principle of nature cure?
Back 180 years ago the main core principle of nature cure is “body heal itself”. Later many more principles are added. In 1895 “Nature Cure” became “Naturopathy” by Dr. John Scheel. At present there are 10 basic principles of naturopathy.
Nature Cure meaning in hindi?
प्राकृतिक उपचार, एक समग्र स्वास्थ्य प्रणाली है जो प्राकृतिक तरीकों से शरीर की खुद को ठीक करने की क्षमता पर ध्यान केंद्रित करती है। यह दृष्टिकोण स्वास्थ्य को बहाल करने और बीमारी को रोकने के लिए ताजी हवा, पानी, सूरज की रोशनी और पौष्टिक खाद्य पदार्थों जैसे प्राकृतिक तत्वों का उपयोग करने पर जोर देती है।
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