Where the world is rushing so much behind digitalisation, empowerment and development let’s first look at our roots and check if everything is fine at origin. If roots are strong definitely it will give best outcomes in the present and future. This womens day let’s know how to flourish feminine energy naturally.

Women, the birth giver, definitely deserve wellness and safety, every human came into this world from their mothers womb and this mother was once a girl , young lady, and granny later, so females have the right to be called creators.
Caring for creators is essential for fostering a thriving creative community. It involves supporting their well-being, growth, and success. Priority should be there mental, physical, emotional health and no doubt the best tool or medicine for that is yoga and naturopathy.
Yoga and naturopathy focuses on prevention, protection and promotion of health from curing the symptoms to healing from within completely.

Scientific Understanding
A woman goes through massive changes physiologically as well as emotionally throughout her life. Even in one month they have four phases which affect their body and mind drastically. In these cycles there are some sensitive days in which if proper care is not taken, correct lifestyle not followed it can bring them into big trouble with some diseases like:- pcos, diabetes, depression etc.
Uterus is known to be the second brain in women physiology. There also exists a uterus brain axis. Through practice of yoga and pranayamas we can make the mind calm which will help in reduction of stress hormones in the body as a result leads to good reproductive health and life processes.

Female Hormones play a major role from puberty to pregnancy and menarche to menopause. It’s very important for hormones to be balanced and regulated for a healthy lifestyle.
Mothers, sisters or any other female keep on working continuously unconditionally in home without much rest and giving themselves as last priority which makes them sick and helpless in the end. In return for the endless household chaos, what they get is a list of diseases like varicose veins, arthritis, depression, insomnia and many more.
Research shows womens have a higher risk of chronic conditions and sufferings in their life as compared to men’s.

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Action Required
It’s high time now. Let’s begin and think about giving care to our caregivers because if the creators are in these conditions it will be very difficult to create a better society and wellbeing. From this International women’s day it should be our responsibility to give females all types of rest, love and care that they actually deserve.

Yoga & Naturopathy
Naturopathy and Yogic sciences work great for a healthy life in a holistic manner. It heals the body from all aspects of being, different treatment modalities like:- Hydrotherapy, Mud therapy, Manipulative therapy, Fasting, Diet and Yoga uses five elements of nature to treat the body and mind.
Correct lifestyle, food and sleep results in correct circadian rhythm. When the biological clock runs right, hormones are regulated well resulting in good health and well being.
Numerous amounts of medicine, wrong lifestyle and habits can cause serious side effects to life threatening complications like infertility to cancers, so till it’s right and possible we should encourage Naturopathy medicine for natural cure.
During menstruation cycle, pregnancy, delivery and menopause women’s go through variety of physiological changes that results in mood swings, anxiety, depression, hot flashes, weight gain, cravings, body ache etc. these all can be managed by different naturopathy modalities. For example:-
- Hydrotherapy (hip bath, hot foot bath)
- Heliotherapy/sunbath
- Massage (Abhyanga)
- Practicing grounding by mud therapy
- Walking in nature mindfully
- Stay connected to mother nature ignoring all toxins around
- Spiritually active
- Fasting therapy
- Meditation
- Self time
- Simple diet in correct time also adding different oil seeds according to cycle going on:-
- Seed cycling
- DAYS 1-14 OF YOUR CYCLE: flax seeds, pumpkin seeds
- DAYS 15-28 OF YOUR CYCLE : sunflower seeds, sesame seeds
- Maintaining the right sleep wake cycle
- Practising yogic asanas
- Butterfly pose
- Suryanamaskar etc
- Pranayama can be very helpful in women’s life.
Making them feel more confident, beautiful and loved. Which will hence result in best creativity by creators making this world a happy, healthy, wealthy, and peaceful place to live.

Final Thoughts
As a Naturopathic physician what I suggest is everyone should start practising these simple steps to bring big change in days of suffering and sadness. Specifically women, if emotionally they are strong, happy and healthy they can fight any battle independently, so naturopathy and yoga can be the wonderful complete package of comfort ,cure and care for our creators.
Happy Womens Day To All 🩷
Also Read | Amazing Womens Day Celebration at the Naturopathy Centre